Thursday, October 7, 2010

Boys Smoys! ~

Had enough! Done! Annoyed!

Pretty much done with boys at the moment. 
They all seem to think or believe that they are different from other guys. 
But boys, i got news for you, honestly you aren't!
You all think the same, whether you're slightly different in the way you treat girls.
Believe it or not.
As the saying goes, "Boys Are Just Boys, You Can't Change That."
But can't they take NO for an answer?
Seriously, what's their deal..??
If a woman says no, it doesn't mean try harder!
It means NO! N.O - Negative, Nope, Not Happening, Nada, JaNien, F*ck Off even.
Unless that girl was fooling around, than obviously, you can tell!
But why am i so annoyed? Well here's the dilly-o.
Was out clubbing tonight. 
&& actually wanted a relaxing, non-stop dance night! I LOVE TO DANCE! It relaxes me.
Where there are no guys trying to pick up!
So we decided to go to a Gay Bar && a Dyke club :)
Stupidly I brought one of the guys who likes me as well.
Seeing as my best friend is Bi, she brought one of those girls i terribly dislike and disapprove of.
Mainly for the fact that she told rumors about me, which clearly didn't happen - i was proven innocent.
Apparently she only wants to "root" her.
Well I used to believe that, note [Used to].
Doesn't really seem that way anymore though.
Although she tells me about this other blonde girl who she's really into at the moment.
We both playa's yeah i can admit that, but we ain't sluts.
We're Indecisive, but we don't lead them on.
Make it known we are interested, but it doesn't mean you're the "ONE".
We make that very clear. Well at least i do.
But anyways back to my story about clubbing!
I brought a guy, i have already made known to him that i want to see what he's like && who he is 
before jumping into a relationship, as you do.
I sure as hell don't want another mistake like my last relationship.
He kept on grabbing my ass and sliding his hands all up and down on me, even near my vagina 
or should i even dare say he did.
I was so mad at him, for the fact that i kept telling him to stop, and yet he didn't!
I kept quiet throughout the night && eventually he came over and had a chat with me.
I told him what was wrong and he almost cried.
I can't stand emo guys! And he sure as hell was one of them!
He has cried to me before, saying how depressed and stuff he is about his life and should just die.
Life is life, you can't have pure happiness all the time!
But when you do, remember those times, than it probably won't seem so bad.
So it was a complete turn off for me, it kind of just ended right there.
Yes i know boys are actually more emotional than girls, but still, in PUBLIC?
Seriously? I wouldn't even do that unless it was actually something worth crying for!
So yes that is one memory that might take me awhile to get rid off if i wanna give this guy a chance 
or another one i should say.
The feeling i currently have is to stop talking and hanging out with him.
For the fact that he doesn't have many friends and is seeming to be extremely clingy!
I thought he was those tough guys that was kind of a jerk and i can except that, but he isn't.
Which my mind does not want to accept.
I like guys who can keep their cool in a terrible situation, be the MAN, no the wimp!
Guys who aren't clingy, who aren't controlling and constantly wanting to know where you are and who you're with.
A guy that gives me space, for my uni and friends, not every waking hour together.
That was my ex and obviously it did not go down well.
I felt trapped and i had to break free! After 9 and a half months with constant attempts to break up!
But i always give in to those who cry and begged. Yes i'm a softy at heart.
I hate seeing people cry, especially guys, it's not appealing in the least.
So yeah, currently, I AM SO OVER THIS SCENE!
Oh && i made out with a girl tonight, now that was the best part of the night - lol ;)
Chellzie x